Tales of Rebirth Original Soundtrack (ティルズ オブ リバース オリジナル・サウンドトラック) est sorti le 26 janvier 2005. Cet album est composé par Motoi Sakuraba et Shinji Tamura.
Disque 1[]
- Tales of Rebirth B
- Prologue A (プロローグ A)
- Prologue B (プロローグ B)
- The scratch on Ice
- Desperate Battle
- Relief
- A Certain Day...
- Strained Air
- Scutum - Cruel
- Dark Seed
- Sulz
- Icy Edge
- Battle Organization
- Victory A
- Ginnar Troupe
- Heart Rest
- Suspicion
- Scutum - Unflappable
- Alvan Mountains
- Annie Amidst the Fog (霧の中のアニー)
- Eugene
- Minal
- True Drop
- Forest Labyrinth
- Here and There
- Game Over
Disque 2[]
- Tales of Rebirth A
- Petnadjanka - Silence
- Iron Manufacture - Jungle
- Tytree Goes Insane (暴走ティトレイ)
- Optimist
- Spring Sunlight
- Rafter
- Danger!
- Sannytown
- Hilda's True Identity (ヒルダの正体)
- The world Without a Window
- Karez
- Anikamal - Distrust
- Oasis
- Anikamal
- Climbers' Cavern
- Babilograd
- Scutum - Fang
- A Comfortable Wave
- Harbor
- Balka
- The Subway in Balka
- Like a Glint
- Geyorkias
Disque 3[]
- Proposition
- Petnadjanka
- The Shrine of Eephon (イーフォンの聖殿)
- Mesechina Cavern
- Dogfight
- Victory B
- Razilda
- Ruins
- Ancient Spirit
- The Trial
- Pipista
- The Shrine of Fenia (フェニアの聖殿)
- Kyogen
- Auction
- Nolzen
- Tower of Nereg
- Weigh Anchor!
- Belsas
- Belsas - Another Side
- Speech A (演説 A)
- Speech B (演説 B)
- Speech C (演説 C)
- Shaorune Takes Off (シャオルーン飛翔)
- With Shaorune
- Mocrado Village
- The Shrine of Gilione (ギリオーヌの聖殿)
- Purification of the World (世界浄化)
- Cataclysm (天変地異)
- Dream Game
Disque 4[]
- Lenpao Sky Garden
- Amusement Park
- Scutum - Intertwine
- Scutum - Decisive Battle
- Mount Sovereign
- Milhaust
- The Edge of an Oath
- Zilva
- Filled Insanity
- The Embodiment of Ruination (破滅のもの)
- Yuris's Realm (ユリスの領域)
- Destruction
- The Die Is Cast
- Victory C
- Will
- Final Episode
- Guidance of the Moon
- The Purge (封印)
- The Answer
- Epilogue A (エピローグ A)
- Epilogue B (エピローグ B)
Lien externe[]