Tales of Hearts Original Soundtrack (テイルズ オブ ハーツ オリジナル サウンドトラック) est sorti le 10 décembre 2008. Cet album est composé par Motoi Sakuraba et Hibiki Aoyama, assistés d'Hiroshi Tamura.
Disque 1[]
- Eternal Tomorrow -OP Ver.- (永遠の明日(テイルズ オブ ハーツ Version))
- Composition et paroles: Shuichi Ikemori
- Arrangement: DEEN & Koichiro Tokinori
- Interprétation: DEEN
- Tales of Hearts (TALES OF HEARTS)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Thunderous Getaway (雷鳴の逃避行)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Escape - Through the Forest (逃亡~森を抜けて)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Jaws of Death (死地)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Menacing Pursuer (恐怖の追撃者)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Incarose the Mage (魔道士インカローズ)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Two Moons (ふたつの月)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Oath to the Moon (月に誓う)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Shine of Spiria (スピルーンの輝き)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Overflowing Nightmares (あふれだす悪夢)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- A Place Called Home (あたたかな故郷)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The World Here and Now (今ここにある世界)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Out of the Frying Pan... (ピンチの後にピンチあり)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Mystical Weapons called Soma (神秘の武具ソーマ)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Raise your Soma! (ソーマを掲げろ!)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- A World Transformed (急転する世界)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Spiria Nexus -Sorrow- (スピルメイズ ―哀―)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Enter the Xerom (ゼロム出現)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Link Out (リンクアウト)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Spiria Core, Like Flowers... (スピルーン、花の如く……)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- City - Hustle and Bustle (街~人々の営み)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- To the Depths of Darkness (暗闇の底へ)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Eyes that Gaze at the Truth (真実を見つめる瞳)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- The Valentin Crystal Knights (バレイア教結晶騎士団)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- The Busy Town Square (にぎやかな広場)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- Spiria Nexus -Anger- (スピルメイズ ―怒―)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Give Hope to the Spiria! (スピリアに希望を!)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Never-ending Journey (果てなき旅路)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- An Unbreakable Blade (折れない剣)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Spiria Lost (スピリア消失)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Unforgettable Memories (忘れえぬ想い出)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Towards an Undiscovered Land (まだ見ぬ地へと)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Enjoy Life (enjoy life)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- The Curious Creature Windum (不思議生物ウィンダム)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Fear of the Unknown (未知への恐怖)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- Fly! To the Heavens High! (飛翔! 対空!!)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- The Imperial Capital Straga (世界帝都エストレーガ)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Glory of the Imperial Army (帝国軍の栄光)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Sadness Fills the World (悲しみは世に満ちて)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- Found a Mysterious Town! (発見! 不思議タウン)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Meet the Challenge! (Let’s Challenge!!)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Hell Wells, A Space for Contemplation (重想空間ヘルウェルズ)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Exceed the Utmost Limits (極限すら超えて)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- VS Proto Xerom (VS プロトゼロム)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
Disque 2[]
- Every Day is a Carnival♪ (毎日がカーニバル♪)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Fighters Assemble! (集え、戦士よ!!)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Courage Demonstrated (しめされる勇気)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Run In Without Hesitation (迷いなき疾走)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- For Whom Do You Fight? (誰がために戦うか)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Holy City of Prinseur (麗しのプランスール)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Imperial Castle Contaminated (帝国城、侵蝕)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- Lithia's Lullaby (リチアの子守唄)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Man with the Scarlet Hair (緋色の髪の魔王)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Witch Draws Near (迫り来る女魔道士)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Mysticete, the Forest of Thorns (出現!「いばらの森」)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Somatic Bond Invoked (発動、ソーマリンク!!)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Spiria Nexus -Joy- (スピルメイズ ―喜―)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- The Village under a Barrier (結界の里)
- Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
- Gardenia's Torpor Ends (終わりの始まり)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Reinheit - Wings of Comradery (絆の翼リアンハイト)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Flying Fortress Mysticete (機動結晶城サンドリオン)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- A Sound Spiria (たゆまぬスピリア)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Fall to the World of Death (白き世界へ)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Minera (結晶界 ~クォーティア~)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- A City Calcified (「白化都市」)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Tower of Nihility (虚無の塔)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Hearts to Hearts (Hearts to Hearts)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Flight to the Black Moon (飛べ、決戦の地へ!!)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Pulse of Gardenia (ガルデニアの鼓動)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Darkness Infinite (無限の闇)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Shine Like a Star! (煌け! 星の如く)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Creed Graphite (クリード・グラファイト)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- The Moment of Truth (星のスピリア)
- Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
- Forest of Thorns' Beauty (「いばらの森」のねむり姫)
- Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
- Eternal Tomorrow -ED Ver.- (永遠の明日 (Ending Version))
- Thème original: Shuichi Ikemori
- Arrangement: Motoi Sakuraba
Détail supplémentaire[]
- Les morceaux tirés de la version "R" du jeu sont disponibles dans le lecteur de musiques:
- Push the Boundaries (境界一閃)
- A Void Between Strange Lands (異域への狭間で)
- Soma, Be Free! (解き放て!ソーマ)
- Violent Attack Rouses Spiria (強襲、奮い立てスピリア!)
- The Twilight Forest (黄昏の森)
- Schehera Desert (千夜砂漠シェヘラ)
- Mount Bremen (雷鳴山ブレーメ)
- Place of Parting (別れの場)
- Triverse Gate (トライバースゲート)
- Everyday Sights (日常の風景)
- A Bridge to Tomorrow (明日への架け橋)
- A Remnant of a Dream (余映に残した夢)
- Connecting Spirias (スピリアを繋げて)
- Menace Manifest (顕現せし脅威)
- Good Night, Sleep Tight. (おやすみ)
- Fluora's Lullaby (フローラの子守唄)
- A Hymn of the Valentin (バレイア教 -賛美歌-)
- Push the Boundaries (境界一閃)
Lien externe[]