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Tales of Hearts
Original Soundtrack
Label BMG Japan
N° de catalogue BVCR-14044~5
Composition Motoi Sakuraba,
Hibiki Aoyama,
Hiroshi Tamura,
Shuichi Ikemori
Arrangement Motoi Sakuraba,
Hibiki Aoyama,
Hiroshi Tamura,
Koichiro Tokinori
Format 2 disques - 76 pistes
Durée 2:21:09
Prix 3150¥
Date de sortie 10 décembre 2008

Tales of Hearts Original Soundtrack (テイルズ オブ ハーツ オリジナル サウンドトラック) est sorti le 10 décembre 2008. Cet album est composé par Motoi Sakuraba et Hibiki Aoyama, assistés d'Hiroshi Tamura.


Disque 1[]

  1. Eternal Tomorrow -OP Ver.- (永遠の明日(テイルズ オブ ハーツ Version))
    Composition et paroles: Shuichi Ikemori
    Arrangement: DEEN & Koichiro Tokinori
    Interprétation: DEEN
  2. Tales of Hearts (TALES OF HEARTS)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  3. Thunderous Getaway (雷鳴の逃避行)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  4. Escape - Through the Forest (逃亡~森を抜けて)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  5. Jaws of Death (死地)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  6. The Menacing Pursuer (恐怖の追撃者)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  7. Incarose the Mage (魔道士インカローズ)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  8. The Two Moons (ふたつの月)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  9. Oath to the Moon (月に誓う)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  10. The Shine of Spiria (スピルーンの輝き)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  11. Overflowing Nightmares (あふれだす悪夢)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  12. A Place Called Home (あたたかな故郷)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  13. The World Here and Now (今ここにある世界)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  14. Out of the Frying Pan... (ピンチの後にピンチあり)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  15. Mystical Weapons called Soma (神秘の武具ソーマ)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  16. Raise your Soma! (ソーマを掲げろ!)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  17. A World Transformed (急転する世界)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  18. Spiria Nexus -Sorrow- (スピルメイズ ―哀―)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  19. Enter the Xerom (ゼロム出現)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  20. Link Out (リンクアウト)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  21. The Spiria Core, Like Flowers... (スピルーン、花の如く……)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  22. City - Hustle and Bustle (街~人々の営み)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  23. To the Depths of Darkness (暗闇の底へ)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  24. Eyes that Gaze at the Truth (真実を見つめる瞳)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  25. The Valentin Crystal Knights (バレイア教結晶騎士団)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  26. The Busy Town Square (にぎやかな広場)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  27. Spiria Nexus -Anger- (スピルメイズ ―怒―)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  28. Give Hope to the Spiria! (スピリアに希望を!)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  29. Never-ending Journey (果てなき旅路)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  30. An Unbreakable Blade (折れない剣)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  31. Spiria Lost (スピリア消失)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  32. Unforgettable Memories (忘れえぬ想い出)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  33. Towards an Undiscovered Land (まだ見ぬ地へと)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  34. Enjoy Life (enjoy life)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  35. The Curious Creature Windum (不思議生物ウィンダム)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  36. Fear of the Unknown (未知への恐怖)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  37. Fly! To the Heavens High! (飛翔! 対空!!)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  38. The Imperial Capital Straga (世界帝都エストレーガ)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  39. Glory of the Imperial Army (帝国軍の栄光)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  40. Sadness Fills the World (悲しみは世に満ちて)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  41. Found a Mysterious Town! (発見! 不思議タウン)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  42. Meet the Challenge! (Let’s Challenge!!)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  43. Hell Wells, A Space for Contemplation (重想空間ヘルウェルズ)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  44. Exceed the Utmost Limits (極限すら超えて)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  45. VS Proto Xerom (VS プロトゼロム)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura

Disque 2[]

  1. Every Day is a Carnival♪ (毎日がカーニバル♪)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  2. Fighters Assemble! (集え、戦士よ!!)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  3. Courage Demonstrated (しめされる勇気)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  4. Run In Without Hesitation (迷いなき疾走)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  5. For Whom Do You Fight? (誰がために戦うか)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  6. The Holy City of Prinseur (麗しのプランスール)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  7. Imperial Castle Contaminated (帝国城、侵蝕)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  8. Lithia's Lullaby (リチアの子守唄)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  9. Man with the Scarlet Hair (緋色の髪の魔王)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  10. The Witch Draws Near (迫り来る女魔道士)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  11. Mysticete, the Forest of Thorns (出現!「いばらの森」)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  12. Somatic Bond Invoked (発動、ソーマリンク!!)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  13. Spiria Nexus -Joy- (スピルメイズ ―喜―)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  14. The Village under a Barrier (結界の里)
    Composition: Hibiki Aoyama
  15. Gardenia's Torpor Ends (終わりの始まり)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  16. Reinheit - Wings of Comradery (絆の翼リアンハイト)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  17. Flying Fortress Mysticete (機動結晶城サンドリオン)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  18. A Sound Spiria (たゆまぬスピリア)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  19. Fall to the World of Death (白き世界へ)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  20. Minera (結晶界 ~クォーティア~)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  21. A City Calcified (「白化都市」)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  22. Tower of Nihility (虚無の塔)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  23. Hearts to Hearts (Hearts to Hearts)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  24. Flight to the Black Moon (飛べ、決戦の地へ!!)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  25. Pulse of Gardenia (ガルデニアの鼓動)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  26. Darkness Infinite (無限の闇)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  27. Shine Like a Star! (煌け! 星の如く)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  28. Creed Graphite (クリード・グラファイト)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  29. The Moment of Truth (星のスピリア)
    Composition: Motoi Sakuraba
  30. Forest of Thorns' Beauty (「いばらの森」のねむり姫)
    Composition: Hiroshi Tamura
  31. Eternal Tomorrow -ED Ver.- (永遠の明日 (Ending Version))
    Thème original: Shuichi Ikemori
    Arrangement: Motoi Sakuraba


TOH OST Booklet1
TOH OST Booklet2
TOH OST Booklet3
TOH OST Booklet4
TOH OST Booklet5
TOH OST Booklet6
TOH OST Booklet7
TOH OST Booklet8
TOH OST Booklet9
TOH OST Booklet10
TOH OST Sticker

Détail supplémentaire[]

  • Les morceaux tirés de la version "R" du jeu sont disponibles dans le lecteur de musiques:
    • Push the Boundaries (境界一閃)
    • A Void Between Strange Lands (異域への狭間で)
    • Soma, Be Free! (解き放て!ソーマ)
    • Violent Attack Rouses Spiria (強襲、奮い立てスピリア!)
    • The Twilight Forest (黄昏の森)
    • Schehera Desert (千夜砂漠シェヘラ)
    • Mount Bremen (雷鳴山ブレーメ)
    • Place of Parting (別れの場)
    • Triverse Gate (トライバースゲート)
    • Everyday Sights (日常の風景)
    • A Bridge to Tomorrow (明日への架け橋)
    • A Remnant of a Dream (余映に残した夢)
    • Connecting Spirias (スピリアを繋げて)
    • Menace Manifest (顕現せし脅威)
    • Good Night, Sleep Tight. (おやすみ)
    • Fluora's Lullaby (フローラの子守唄)
    • A Hymn of the Valentin (バレイア教 -賛美歌-)

Lien externe[]
