Tales of Graces Original Soundtrack (テイルズ オブ グレイセス オリジナル サウンドトラック) est sorti le 10 février 2010. Comme à l'accoutumée, cet album est composé par Motoi Sakuraba et Hibiki Aoyama, qui effectua ici son tout dernier projet pour la firme.
Disque 1[]
- Mamoritai -White Wishes- (Tales of Graces Version) (まもりたい ~White Wishes~ (Tales of Graces Version))
- Composition: Hiroo Yamaguchi
- Arrangement: JUNKOO
- Paroles: MIZUE
- Chant: BoA
- Tales of Graces (Tales of Graces)
- Beyond the Sunlit Path (木漏れ日の先に)
- Never Let Go (力いっぱい握り締めて)
- Victorious Cheer (凱歌をあげろ!)
- Requiem for the Fallen (朽ち果ての鎮魂歌)
- Meeting in the Meadow (Is filled with flowers)
- Innocent Eyes (Innocent eyes)
- Sophie (ソフィ)
- Fresh Air (清涼な空気)
- A Dream in Every Step (歩みと同じ数の夢)
- Home of the Frolicking Wind (風の舞う街)
- Children's Adventure (子どもたちの冒険)
- Dividing Rift (心離れて)
- Impending Crisis (迫り来る危機)
- The Pact (誓い)
- Beckoned to the Sea (船旅への誘い)
- Swept by the Sea Breeze (潮風に吹かれて)
- Pomp and Majesty (王都~威風堂々~)
- Prostrate in the Dark (闇に臥す)
- Turbulence (不穏)
- Crossed Stars (凶星)
- Different Conflict (Different conflict)
- First Benefited (First benefited)
- Childhood's End (Protects the hazard)
- Not Getting Through (届かない想い)
- Thème original: Hiroo Yamaguchi
Disque 2[]
- Whet the Sheath (抜刀!研ぎ澄ませ!)
- Vanished Amidst the Trees (樹々彼方に消えた村)
- What Blocks the Way (立ち塞がるもの)
- Reminiscence (追憶)
- Strife (争い)
- Past the Droplets (雫の向こうに)
- Timely Return (到来!)
- Perplexing Blade (惑う剣)
- Pascal's Theme (パスカルのテーマ)
- Not Hither But Thither (遥けき彼方よりこなたへ)
- Pursuit of Knowledge (英知を求めて)
- Lakefront Bustle (湖畔の賑わい)
- The Path to Victory (勝利への導)
- The Stronghold's Pulse (要塞の息吹)
- Where Malice Festers (悪意の滞留する館)
- Rise to the Challenge (決戦!奮い立たせて)
- The Rightful King (New king of the wind)
- The Mad King's Onslaught (狂王の襲来)
- Awakening (Second coming of that day)
- Moment of Parting (Moment of parting)
- Primal Forces (Furious storm)
- Warm Thoughts (暖かな想い)
- Trade in Souls and Sand (人と物と砂の交じわう岸壁)
- Hot Sands, Burning Haze (熱砂と陽炎を幾度と)
- Brawl in the Blazing Heat (灼熱の乱闘)
- The Crux of Cryas (魔法科学の深遠)
- Cavern of the Beast (巨獣の岩窟)
- Dance of Fountains (統水の舞踏)
- The Parched Earth Sighs (溜息ひとつ大地は渇き)
Disque 3[]
- Answering the Ocean's Call (魅惑の海原へ)
- Behold the Crimson Sky (見よ!天空は紅蓮)
- To the Sea of Dancing Snow (雪の舞う海へ)
- Frozen Soles (凍えた踵)
- Blast of the Frigid Wind (寒風一閃!)
- A City Swept Away (流れついた町)
- The Monochrome Fortress (百黒の城塞)
- Chasing a Distant Memory (遥かなる記憶の果て)
- Forbidden Legacy (禁忌の遺産)
- Crevice of Winter's Onset (冬が始まったクレバス)
- Metamophosis (Rejection cage)
- T-Minus One (Countdown begins)
- Put the Feelings into the Sky (Put the feelings into the sky)
- Endless Silence (果て無き静寂)
- Emergence at Eternity's End (悠久の果てに現れたもの)
- A Rest for Weary Feet (歩みを止めて眠りについて)
- Born Beyond Those Doors (この扉の奥で生まれたもの)
- Lambda (Lambda)
- Shatter the Steel (その鋼を砕け!)
- Homecoming (Struggle to regain)
- Tales Revisited (テイルズ詠み会始)
- Cats at Play (みんなあそぶネコ!)
- Adventure on the Shore (渚のアバンチュール)
- The Bozz's Holiday Log (かめにん部長の休息日誌)
- Conqueror's Cage (覇王の籠)
- Evangelist of Souls (魂の伝道者)
Disque 4[]
- Muddied Coffers (混濁ひきこもる櫃)
- Corrosion (侵食するもの)
- The Promised Battle (約束された闘い)
- Twisted Smile (歪な微笑み)
- The Curtain Rises (舞台の幕開け)
- Dance of Madness (狂乱舞踏)
- Apart at the Seams (Pour in the debris)
- Sword That Splits the Earth (大地をつらぬきし剣)
- Hestless Sword (焦燥の剣)
- Beating as One (繋がる想い)
- The Heavens Tremble (震天)
- Destiny's Wail (命の叫び)
- Toward Tomorrow (明日へ)
- Dancing in the Wind (風に舞って)
- Blossomgale (When the promised)
- Ride the Wishes (Ride the wishes)
- Mamoritai -White Wishes- (Ending Version) (まもりたい ~White Wishes~ (Ending Version))
- Thème original: Hiroo Yamaguchi
- Sophie's Tale (Forever forever)
Détails supplémentaires[]
- Les morceaux tirés de la version "f" du jeu sont disponibles dans le musée:
- Terminus of Destruction (滅びの終着)
- Recursion of Life (生命回帰)
- Epic Release (解き放て!)
- Fearsome Essence (畏怖すべき存在)
- Dance Fantasia (夢幻乱舞)
- All on the Line (全てを賭して)
- Worthy Guardian (清廉なる守護者)
- Defender of Life (命の守り人)
- Connected Destinies (繋ぐ命、見守る命)
- Speak Your Mind (声を届けて)
- The Days to Come (これからの日々)
- Terminus of Destruction (滅びの終着)
Lien externe[]