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Tales of Graces
Original Soundtrack
Label Avex Trax
N° de catalogue AVCD-38050~3
Composition Motoi Sakuraba,
Hibiki Aoyama,
Hiroo Yamaguchi
Arrangement Motoi Sakuraba,
Hibiki Aoyama,
Format 4 disques - 99 pistes
Durée 3:51:01
Prix 4834¥
Date de sortie 10 février 2010

Tales of Graces Original Soundtrack (テイルズ オブ グレイセス オリジナル サウンドトラック) est sorti le 10 février 2010. Comme à l'accoutumée, cet album est composé par Motoi Sakuraba et Hibiki Aoyama, qui effectua ici son tout dernier projet pour la firme.


Disque 1[]

  1. Mamoritai -White Wishes- (Tales of Graces Version) (まもりたい ~White Wishes~ (Tales of Graces Version))
    Composition: Hiroo Yamaguchi
    Arrangement: JUNKOO
    Paroles: MIZUE
    Chant: BoA
  2. Tales of Graces (Tales of Graces)
  3. Beyond the Sunlit Path (木漏れ日の先に)
  4. Never Let Go (力いっぱい握り締めて)
  5. Victorious Cheer (凱歌をあげろ!)
  6. Requiem for the Fallen (朽ち果ての鎮魂歌)
  7. Meeting in the Meadow (Is filled with flowers)
  8. Innocent Eyes (Innocent eyes)
  9. Sophie (ソフィ)
  10. Fresh Air (清涼な空気)
  11. A Dream in Every Step (歩みと同じ数の夢)
  12. Home of the Frolicking Wind (風の舞う街)
  13. Children's Adventure (子どもたちの冒険)
  14. Dividing Rift (心離れて)
  15. Impending Crisis (迫り来る危機)
  16. The Pact (誓い)
  17. Beckoned to the Sea (船旅への誘い)
  18. Swept by the Sea Breeze (潮風に吹かれて)
  19. Pomp and Majesty (王都~威風堂々~)
  20. Prostrate in the Dark (闇に臥す)
  21. Turbulence (不穏)
  22. Crossed Stars (凶星)
  23. Different Conflict (Different conflict)
  24. First Benefited (First benefited)
  25. Childhood's End (Protects the hazard)
  26. Not Getting Through (届かない想い)
    Thème original: Hiroo Yamaguchi

Disque 2[]

  1. Whet the Sheath (抜刀!研ぎ澄ませ!)
  2. Vanished Amidst the Trees (樹々彼方に消えた村)
  3. What Blocks the Way (立ち塞がるもの)
  4. Reminiscence (追憶)
  5. Strife (争い)
  6. Past the Droplets (雫の向こうに)
  7. Timely Return (到来!)
  8. Perplexing Blade (惑う剣)
  9. Pascal's Theme (パスカルのテーマ)
  10. Not Hither But Thither (遥けき彼方よりこなたへ)
  11. Pursuit of Knowledge (英知を求めて)
  12. Lakefront Bustle (湖畔の賑わい)
  13. The Path to Victory (勝利への導)
  14. The Stronghold's Pulse (要塞の息吹)
  15. Where Malice Festers (悪意の滞留する館)
  16. Rise to the Challenge (決戦!奮い立たせて)
  17. The Rightful King (New king of the wind)
  18. The Mad King's Onslaught (狂王の襲来)
  19. Awakening (Second coming of that day)
  20. Moment of Parting (Moment of parting)
  21. Primal Forces (Furious storm)
  22. Warm Thoughts (暖かな想い)
  23. Trade in Souls and Sand (人と物と砂の交じわう岸壁)
  24. Hot Sands, Burning Haze (熱砂と陽炎を幾度と)
  25. Brawl in the Blazing Heat (灼熱の乱闘)
  26. The Crux of Cryas (魔法科学の深遠)
  27. Cavern of the Beast (巨獣の岩窟)
  28. Dance of Fountains (統水の舞踏)
  29. The Parched Earth Sighs (溜息ひとつ大地は渇き)

Disque 3[]

  1. Answering the Ocean's Call (魅惑の海原へ)
  2. Behold the Crimson Sky (見よ!天空は紅蓮)
  3. To the Sea of Dancing Snow (雪の舞う海へ)
  4. Frozen Soles (凍えた踵)
  5. Blast of the Frigid Wind (寒風一閃!)
  6. A City Swept Away (流れついた町)
  7. The Monochrome Fortress (百黒の城塞)
  8. Chasing a Distant Memory (遥かなる記憶の果て)
  9. Forbidden Legacy (禁忌の遺産)
  10. Crevice of Winter's Onset (冬が始まったクレバス)
  11. Metamophosis (Rejection cage)
  12. T-Minus One (Countdown begins)
  13. Put the Feelings into the Sky (Put the feelings into the sky)
  14. Endless Silence (果て無き静寂)
  15. Emergence at Eternity's End (悠久の果てに現れたもの)
  16. A Rest for Weary Feet (歩みを止めて眠りについて)
  17. Born Beyond Those Doors (この扉の奥で生まれたもの)
  18. Lambda (Lambda)
  19. Shatter the Steel (その鋼を砕け!)
  20. Homecoming (Struggle to regain)
  21. Tales Revisited (テイルズ詠み会始)
  22. Cats at Play (みんなあそぶネコ!)
  23. Adventure on the Shore (渚のアバンチュール)
  24. The Bozz's Holiday Log (かめにん部長の休息日誌)
  25. Conqueror's Cage (覇王の籠)
  26. Evangelist of Souls (魂の伝道者)

Disque 4[]

  1. Muddied Coffers (混濁ひきこもる櫃)
  2. Corrosion (侵食するもの)
  3. The Promised Battle (約束された闘い)
  4. Twisted Smile (歪な微笑み)
  5. The Curtain Rises (舞台の幕開け)
  6. Dance of Madness (狂乱舞踏)
  7. Apart at the Seams (Pour in the debris)
  8. Sword That Splits the Earth (大地をつらぬきし剣)
  9. Hestless Sword (焦燥の剣)
  10. Beating as One (繋がる想い)
  11. The Heavens Tremble (震天)
  12. Destiny's Wail (命の叫び)
  13. Toward Tomorrow (明日へ)
  14. Dancing in the Wind (風に舞って)
  15. Blossomgale (When the promised)
  16. Ride the Wishes (Ride the wishes)
  17. Mamoritai -White Wishes- (Ending Version) (まもりたい ~White Wishes~ (Ending Version))
    Thème original: Hiroo Yamaguchi
  18. Sophie's Tale (Forever forever)


TOG OST Booklet1
TOG OST Booklet2
TOG OST Booklet3
TOG OST Booklet4
TOG OST Booklet5
TOG OST Booklet6
TOG OST Booklet7
TOG OST Booklet8
TOG OST Booklet9
TOG OST Booklet10
TOG OST Insert
TOG OST Sticker

Détails supplémentaires[]

  • Les morceaux tirés de la version "f" du jeu sont disponibles dans le musée:
    • Terminus of Destruction (滅びの終着)
    • Recursion of Life (生命回帰)
    • Epic Release (解き放て!)
    • Fearsome Essence (畏怖すべき存在)
    • Dance Fantasia (夢幻乱舞)
    • All on the Line (全てを賭して)
    • Worthy Guardian (清廉なる守護者)
    • Defender of Life (命の守り人)
    • Connected Destinies (繋ぐ命、見守る命)
    • Speak Your Mind (声を届けて)
    • The Days to Come (これからの日々)

Lien externe[]
